Emotional Outburst



It hurts!

What hurts you ask?

Life hurts.

Living hurts.

Living with you that is.

Every moment I spend with you hurts

And every moment away from you is worse

But that’s the way you want it, right!

Shelter me, conceal me

Make me so dependable that I cannot leave

Because I won’t be able to survive

Can’t survive without you, isn’t that right!

So, I’ll keep you near

Bounded by fear

Why can’t you just let me be!

Release me, I want to be free.

Can I at least see?

See if I can turn my own key?

Somewhere just for me

Somewhere where I can be me

Be, oh I long to be me

But no

I have to be you

Do exactly what you want me to

Dress like you

Talk like you

Act like you

Look like you

But can’t you see

I’m not in the least happy

Cause none of this is me

But it’s not for long

Cause soon I will be gone

Soon I will be far from

Far from you… mom


Excerpt from Reflections

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